Presentation abstract

Important! Abstracts are prepared in LaTeX format only, the recommended text size is 1 or 2 full pages. Larger abstract is possible, but additional fee will be applied for every extra page.

Download SAIT Conference typesetting template and Author's guide:

Typeset abstract in ShareLaTeX online editor

  1. Register at ShareLaTeX.
  2. Download one of the template archives listed above according to the abstract language.
  3. Login to ShareLaTeX, press "New Project" and select "Upload Project", point to downloaded template archive.
  4. Write abstract text in file sait2016.tex, upload image files, etc. (carefully read the Author's guide from the template archive).
  5. When the abstract is ready, download the PDF file, it should be attached to submission form later.

Useful LaTeX resources

Journal paper

To take part in the conference only the presentation abstract is mandatory, publication of the full paper is optional.

Full papers may be submitted for publication to the International reviewed journal System Research and Information Technologies (ISSN 1681-6048, eISSN 2308-8893). The journal is included in the List of scientific publications by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine. Editorial staff is responsible for papers' reviewing procedure.

The journal paper should be prepared according to journal typesetting requirements and submitted at the journal website.